Work Experience

I’ve worked multiple part-time jobs in college that allowed me to learn about different aspects of marketing and communications. These positions helped me refine important skills for this field, including social media engagement, community outreach, video production, and storytelling. They also empowered me to become more comfortable with project management, as I took on long-term initiatives such as organizing publicity campaigns and planning PR events. Please see below highlights from my most meaningful communications jobs in college:

During my junior year of college, I worked as a producer for the Media Production Group, Dartmouth College's full-service video production department. My role involved working in a team to create short videos highlighting experiential learning programs at the College. I was involved at every stage of the production process; my responsibilities included setting up lighting and sets for shoots and interviews, filming footage, and using Adobe Premiere to edit footage into engaging videos. I received comprehensive training in editing videos using Premiere, and I played a primary role in editing the following two videos. Both were published on Dartmouth's official YouTube channel.

Senior Design Challenge: Pison

Senior Design Challenge: Women's Health Resource Center

As a junior, I undertook a three-term fellowship with the Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth's cultural hub. I worked with the Hopkins Center's Arts and Outreach Education department and helped promote Hop programming among Dartmouth students and faculty members, as well as the surrounding community. One of my most important responsibilities was guiding the research and creation of three editions of the Curricular Connections Guide, a quarterly publication linking Hop programs to Dartmouth courses. The Curricular Connections Guide was meant to encourage faculty to incorporate Hop programs into their curriculum, and working on it taught me to process large amounts of information to distill the most important facts for my audience. Please see one Curricular Connections Guide that I designed below:

Curricular Connections Guide, Winter 2019

I also helped organize multiple events promoting Hopkins Center programming, including a panel about careers in the arts and a launch party celebrating the Hop's summer programming. My responsibilities included designing outreach campaigns to reach fellow students, coordinating with community stakeholders to publicize these events, arranging catering and similar logistical tasks, and engaging guests during events. Please see below advertising materials for some of the events I helped organize:

SHIFT Kick-Off Party

Arts Career Panel

Valentine's Day Party


As a first-year, I joined a research team led by two Dartmouth professors, Mikhail Gronas and Joseph Bafumi. The researchers had developed HillaryDonald GO, an app meant to measure public opinion of both major-party candidates in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election. I directed marketing efforts to promote the app; in this role, I spearheaded an outreach campaign to hundreds of political blogs, news organizations, and College Democrat/Republican groups, as well as social media communities focused on politics (Facebook, Reddit, etc.). HillaryDonald GO was downloaded over 5000 times by users from across the United States. Please see here an interview where I discuss my work on the app: