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SCG Research

The Tiny Research Station will be used as an active research space by researchers at the Second College Grant (SCG). It will support research activities associated with the New England Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change project, which is a large-scale, interdisciplinary experiment designed to examine the effects of forest adaptation strategies on northern forest ecosystems.  Scientists using the TRS as part of this work include vegetation ecologists, ecosystem scientists, wildlife biologists, hydrologists, mycologists, soil scientists, and entomologists.

Co-production team of managers and scientists that designed the New England Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change experiment at the Dartmouth College Second College Grant.


For more information on the research that's occurring up in the SCG, check out these articles:

This Dartmouth Alumni Magazine feature gives a great overview of the research.

This research article published in the Society of American Foresters Journal of Forestry (2017) dives even deeper into a silviculture research network, of which the SCG group is a part.

Additional publications including research done at the SCG include:

Jevon, Fiona V., A.W. D’Amato, C.W. Woodall, K. Evans, M.P. Ayres, Jaclyn Hatala Matthes. 2019. Greater tree basal area and relative conifer abundance are associated with larger stocks and concentrations of soil carbon in an actively managed forest of northern New Hampshire, USA. Forest Ecology & Management 451,   Media

Culler, L. E., Z. T. Wood, J. Diaz, S. B. Fey, D. Timmins, and M. P. Ayres. 2018. Streams in an uninhabited watershed have predictably different thermal sensitivities to variable summer air temperatures. Freshwater Biology 63: 676-686. Link. Media

Kelson, S., A. Kapuscinski, D. Timmins, and W. Ardren. 2015. Fine-scale genetic structure of brook trout in a dendritic stream network. Conservation Genetics 16: 31-42. 10.1007/s10592-014-0637-5

Lowe, W. H. 2003. Linking dispersal to local population dynamics: A case study using a headwater salamander system. Ecology 84: 2145-2154. 10.1890/0012-9658(2003)084[2145:Ldtlpd]2.0.Co;2

Lowe, W. H. 2005. Factors affecting stage-specific distribution in the stream salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. Herpetologica 61: 135-144. 10.1655/04-57

Lowe, W. H. 2010. Explaining long-distance dispersal: effects of dispersal distance on survival and growth in a stream salamander. Ecology 91: 3008-3015. 10.1890/09-1458.1

Lowe, W. H., B. R. Addis, M. R. Smith, and J. M. Davenport. 2018. The spatial structure of variation in salamander survival, body condition and morphology in a headwater stream network. Freshwater Biology 63: 1287-1299. 10.1111/fwb.13133

Lowe, W. H., and D. T. Bolger. 2002. Local and landscape-scale predictors of salamander abundance in New Hampshire headwater streams. Conservation Biology 16: 183-193. 10.1046/j.1523-1739.2002.00360.x

Lowe, W. H., and M. A. McPeek. 2012. Can natural selection maintain long-distance dispersal? Insight from a stream salamander system. Evolutionary Ecology 26: 11-24. 10.1007/s10682-011-9500-z

Brown, B. L. 2003. Spatial heterogeneity reduces temporal variability in stream insect communities. Ecology Letters 6: 316-325. 10.1046/j.1461-0248.2003.00431.x

Spring salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus, from Merrill Brook in the Second College Grant, where it has been famously studied for 20 years by Winsor Lowe, University of Montana (Dartmouth EEB 2002).