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Construction can be a very dangerous task, and on top of all of the traditional construction risks, we additionally had to navigate working through the COVID-19 Pandemic.  We worked with Bree Carlson and Mark Ewing, III of Dartmouth Environmental Health and Safety to assess risks, determine what sort of tasks we could complete (with and without supervision) and make a College-approved Safety Plan, which can be viewed here.

demonstrate PPE
One safety measure we took was to always where proper personal protective equipment (PPE): a hard had, safety glasses, long pants, and, of course, a mask.


Part of the plan was to ensure that we were all trained to use saws safely, and so Professor May made the following guides for us, which we reviewed, and then trained us in person.

Jigsaw Safety

Miter Saw Safety

Reciprocating Saw Safety

Circular Saw Safety