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Operating as a "living lab," this structure's primary goal is to serve as an educational resource to the Dartmouth community—and beyond! A living lab is a space where students can learn about modeling, prototyping, and refining solutions in the context of a space that is in active use. To this end, the structure will also be used as a space for ecology and forestry research at Dartmouth's Second College Grant.

Background Information

To introduce ourselves, we are students at Dartmouth College's Thayer School of Engineering, and this project is being completed as a senior capstone experience, the course name being ENGS 89/90. Team members include Emma Doherty, Bradley Hart, Jack Lipson, Andrew Moura, Grace Neiswander and Soon-Young Shimizu.

Initial Exterior
Exterior of the structure provided to the team at start of ENGS 89: fall of 2020