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During construction, we wanted to be sure to keep all of ours stakeholders and the many individuals who helped us throughout the project updated on our construction progress. To achieve this goal, we sent out a weekly newsletter highlighting what we had accomplished in the last week and diving a bit into our design. Here they are:

A Tiny Update #1  introduces our project and explains what a blower door test is and why we did one.

A Tiny Update #2  explains why we put so much effort into the envelope of the building.

A Tiny Update #3  showcases the insulation we used, Havelock Wool blown insulation.

A Tiny Update #4 explains the concept of a double stud wall and why it's important to super-efficient buildings.

A Tiny Update #5 highlights some of the sustainable and innovative materials we chose to use in the Tiny Research Station.

A Tiny Update #6 focuses on our vision for the future of the TRS.