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Logistics & Planning

Constructing the TRS involved much planning before and during construction. Our group used the ENGS 89 term to complete our main designs for each system of the station. We also made a rough outline of the order that each task must be completed and when. After ENGS 89 we got into the details of how to best complete construction of the station. The most important concern throughout construction is safety. To ensure our group was safe during construction we worked with Bree Carlson at Environmental Health and Safety to create a safety plan. As part of the safety plan, supervisors were required when we used power tools. Coordinating supervisors to be working with our group forced us to focus heavily on a construction schedule. Along with the schedule it was important to keep all persons up to date using a log and meetings.

Safety Plan

Working directly with Bree Carlson our team created an in depth safety plan that each group member had to read and sign. This plan covers details about site access, PPE, tool use and more. Throughout the winter 2021 term we also included COVID safety requirements including masks, distancing, and capacity restrictions. Included in the plan we also have training requirements on tool use and ladder safety, which all team members completed before construction. See the Safety page for further information and our full safety plan.

Construction Schedule

Creating a detailed schedule was vital to begin construction. As part of our safety plan we required at least two students and a supervisor at sight to safely conduct work. To ensure we met this requirement and stayed on track with construction we created work shifts. These shifts were chosen based on all group members' and supervisors' availability. With afternoon and morning shifts made we could plan out what work had to be done each week and in turn what should be the focus of each shift. With the schedule being broken up into shifts there was little confusion on tasks for each day.

Construction Log

Our group did the best we could to forecast the flow of construction, however, it was inevitable that there would be delays or changes in our plan. Creating a construction log allowed the team to stay updated with the events of each shift. The log included who was at the shift, what was planned to be completed, what was completed, and what the next steps were after that shift. Reading the log gave each group member information on who to contact with questions, and instantly updated them on the state of the station.


One of the most important strategies our group used was weekly meetings. In the meetings we covered the achievements of the week, discussed the overall project, any issues members needed help with, and plans moving forward. The consistent meetings held each member in the group accountable on their work, and gave time for us to build chemistry. In addition to the weekly meetings we had project managers in the group. The managers updated the schedule and log as well as met on Sundays for meetings. During Sunday meetings the managers took the time to dive into the coming week plan. Their role would be too lay out the work to be conducted during each shift and plan for the coming weeks. Having the managers in charge of the shifts was very helpful in keeping the project on track and having someone to go to for direction