Social Theory: SOCY 15 & 16

The Evolution of Sociology 15 and Sociology 16:

1922: 15. The Social Problem of the Nineteenth Century. Professor Mecklin. A sketch of the evolution of social ideals during the last century as illustrated by representative thinkers such as Comte, Marx, Ruskin, Carlyle, Spencer, and others. / 16. The Social Heritage. Professor Mecklin. A critical examination of the social norms derived from religion, politics, and business which have been instrumental in giving shape to present-day American civilization.

1926: 15. Social Ideals in the 19th Century. Professor Mecklin. The French Revolution. A sketch of earlier social utopia is followed by a study of the effect of the French Revolution upon social theory. Special attention will be given to Voltaire, Rousseau, Saint-Simon De Maistre Comte and others. / 16. Social Ideals in the 19th Century. Professor Mecklin. The Industrial Revolution. A study of Social Movement in the 19th Century as reflected in the writings of the Classical Economists, Owen, Carlyle, Ruskin, Marx and others.

1937: 15. Types of Social Imagination. Professor Mecklin. A study of types of social imagination such as the Utopian, the Supernaturalists, the Naturalistic, the Scientific and others. During the first semester Plato, Augustine, Calvin and Puritanism, De Maistre and Catholicism, Machiavelli, Rousseau and Comte are discussed. / 16. Types of Social Imagination. Professor Mecklin. A continuation of course 15, in which special attention is paid to the types of social imagination encouraged by the Classical Economists, Carlye and Ruskin, Marx, the Utilitarians, the Syndicalists, and others.
1932-3_Types of Social Imagination1970: 8. Theories of Society. Assistant Professor Mullins. Techniques for clarifying, expanding, and systematizing social theories form the core of the course. A systematic theoretical analysis of an institution, such as a college, organization, or community will be undertaken by the student during the term. Each student will be expected to construct a simple systematic social theory.

2018: 15. Sociological Classics. Professor Dixon. Classics concerns the rise of modern societies and institutions through the lens of seminal nineteenth and twentieth-century thinkers including Weber, Marx, Durkheim and Simmel. / 16. Constructing Social Theory. Professor Dixon. Constructing Social Theory examines theoretical developments since World War II, including the work of Habermas, Goffman, Collins and Giddens, and how these theories help us understand current controversies and shape empirical research today.

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