Essay Recommendation: ‘The Medieval Content of Raphael’s School of Athens’ by Harry B. Gutman

School of Athens
Raphael Sanzio, The School of Athens, 1509–11, Stanza della Segnatura

Reading an essay from 1941 and decrying it to be revolutionary is perhaps not what current academic trends and gatekeepers have in mind when they proclaim the ‘cutting edge’ of art history, its avant-garde, to be prescient and essential. Gutman’s essay 1 is remarkable — and shows how far a good idea, one that can stake claim to the truth of Raphael’s famous fresco cycle in the Stanza della Segnatura in the New Papal Apartments, is in fact outside the bounds of time.

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  1. Harry B. Gutman, “The Medieval Content of Raphael’s ‘School of Athens’”, Journal of the History of Ideas 2, no. 4 (1941): 420–29.