More words have been spilt on this blog in decrying poor readings of other political philosophers or general opinions on texts than on other key issues. It has been brought to my attention that it is seriously in need of a positive programme, namely the elucidation of a mode of experience and thinking that is unique to myself. Despite the seeming futility of the request and the lionisation of originality over rigour, this section seeks to systematically introduce key concepts in political philosophy, as they appear intelligible to me, and figure in my political philosophy, a positive programme which I hope to build carefully and consciously. These posts, clocking in under a thousand words, will appear on the regular blog feed, but are also listed and linked to in the list below in order of appearance for ready reference.

Please reach out to me if you would like to see any particular topics dealt with.

  1. SN #1: The Importance of Politics
  2. SN #2: Duty and Obligation
  3. SN #3: Change
  4. SN #4: The Prosperity Conundrum