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The Stonewall Riots

Sylvia Rivera (1951-2002)
"No Pride for Some of Us Without Liberation for All of Us."










Images from the Sylvia Rivera Law Project and Equality Archive.




The Stonewall Riots - Quick Facts


June 28, 1969


The Stonewall Inn, a gay club located in Greenwich Village, NYC

What happened?

Early in the morning, New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn. Police brutality and violence led to six days of protests and physical clashes on the street outside the bar and in nearby Christopher Park.

Why did it happen?

The hostile social climate of the Cold War-period United States led people to associate queerness with communism (i.e. treason against the U.S. government), and queer people became liable for arrest for "engaging in gay behavior in public." Raids on gay bars were legal and common.

Why is it important?

The Stonewall Riots served as the catalyst for the Gay Rights movement of the 1970's, which followed the less-studied Chicano Movement of the 1960's. The Stonewall Riots were spearheaded by trans womyn of color, including the Latina Sylvia Rivera, which ensured that intersectionality be acknowledged in the fight for queer rights (hence the above caption – "No liberation for some of us without liberation for all of us").

Fast facts courtesy of History.


Watch: "How the Stonewall Riots Sparked a Movement - Riots"



Watch: "Sylvia Rivera: Trans Movement Founder"