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Queer Latinx activism has always been important. In a Lambda Legal post by guest blogger Luis Román, Román points out that "the narrative of LGBT activism was constructed in a way that purposely ignored people who looked like me."

"For instance," he goes on, "the first openly gay candidate for public office was not Harvey Milk, but Jose Sarria. It was transwomen of color like Sylvia Rivera who were at the forefront of the Stonewall Riots. Yet this history remains mostly untold, and the current gay rights movement continues to be dominated by people who don’t look like me."

It is vitally important that we stop silencing queer Latinx voices, and rather bring them to the forefront in our accounts of LGBTQIA+ activism history.



Black woman with long hair in a creme blouse
"Dr. Monica MotleyCEO and Founder of The Motley Consulting Group, Activist  

What is one pressing issue facing queer and trans people of color today?

Being someone that’s from a small rural area, a lot of the times the resources [LGBT centers, health care providers, social centers, trainings]come so slowly to our area. How do we make sure we don’t forget about folks like us? Often times we have to travel hours to find a place to go.

If you could send a message to people in power, what would you say?

Don’t ever try to convince yourself that you’re not the one who needs self work."

Quote and image from ColorLines.


Check out: Trans Latinxs in Los Angeles today

"Bambi Salcedo, 48, Trans Mexican Woman, Los Angeles"



Read about more queer Latinx activists here and here.