Day 5: Conference Day 2

TWO EXCITING THINGS ABOUT TODAY: GENEVA’S BIRTHDAY!!! Happy Birthday <3 last day of student presentations! At this point, several things have become routine and start to feel like home. The day began with our daily breakfast at Inspiration. Some of us interacted with a few friends from Cameroon that we have seen at breakfast the Read More…

Day 4: First day of our conference!

Our day began early in the morning with breakfast at Inspiration. There was excitement in the air—today was the first day of our conference with Aravind, and many of us were presenting the projects we had spent all term developing.  After breakfast, we walked over to the Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology (LAICO)  and Read More…

Day 3: Exploring Aravind!

This is a photo from yesterday (courtesy of Dr. Zegans) of the group exploring the area around our home for the next 6 days. Pictured is the Aravind Eye Hospital out patient building. Today, we learned about the history of Aravind. Dr. Prajna, son of one of the founders of Aravind, was kind enough to Read More…

DAY 1/2?: Arrival

Whew. We made it! After a gritty 35 hours of travel, we have arrived in Madurai. Every single one of us! First, I’ll start with some intros. Our undergrads are Geneva, Abby, Mazie, Alyssa, Maia, Arjun, Breggy, Daniel, and Ray (aka me, today’s author). Joining us are Fiona and Mark, grad student and med student. Read More…

And we’re live!

So glad you’ve found our blog site for the Fall22 BIO70 trip to India — welcome! We will spend nine glorious days traveling to, through, and back from the southern India state of Tamil Nadu, sharing our experiences with all of you:  our friends, family, and supporters in the United States and elsewhere.  Each of the BIO70 Read More…