In our interviews, we kindly asked our interviewees to provide us with an image that best represented marriage for them.  Here are their submissions, along with quotes they provided for us:

Drayton Harvey:

Drayton, Amber, and their dog Maclyn

“This is us with our dog Maclyn! He unites the family; he’s our baby. ”

Kim Gruffi:

“I like this one because it represents our love, our union, our beautiful children (which makes us complete!), the blending of our two families, and happiness and contentment.”

Fr. Brendan Murphy:

This is a photo of my parents at their wedding. I keep it on my desk at AQ!

Paula Raquel Garcia:

Raquel & her husband Ramiro in 1969 at their wedding in Habana, Cuba.

Ruxay Rivera: 

“en esa foto se ven para mi el resultado de mi matrimonio, la union de nosotros como pareja el fruto del matrimonio que son los hijos, nuestro matrimonio solidificado con los hijos crecidos en caminados, planes cumplidos, creo que es como la foto de donde se ven todo lo que uno desea del matrimonio logrado”

“In this picture I can see the results of my marriage, of our union as a couple, of the fruits of marriage that are the children. I can see my marriage solidified with my children already on the road to adulthood. I can see completed goals. I think it’s a picture that exemplifies the achievements that are desired in a marriage.”

Raquel Rivera: 

“Aquí ve que es negocio, ese besito fue porque me llevó al crucero. El matrimonio es compromiso,costumbre, negocio y por último amor”

“Here you see that it is a business, that kiss was because he took me on the cruise. Marriage is a compromise, custom, business and lastly love.”

Jorge and Leyner

“It means freedom to love , freedom to live. Is means victory. It marks a turning point in history for us. It eliminates stereotypical barriers. It means human rights. It means being an American. It means freedom to marry and love freely.”

Liz Gruffi







“Marriage is definitely a compromise and something that both people have to put equally into.”