The title of our class blog, Small Planets, is inspired by Elinor Fuchs’s classic essay, “EF’s Visit to a Small Planet: Some Questions to Ask a Play.”  (A reminder that you’re expected to read this essay, as well as two other short essays on theatre criticism, prior to our first seminar on the 23rd . . . )  Each production we’re seeing this summer–whether it’s an installation paying homage to carrier pigeons of WWI, a production of Othello at the Globe, or an interactive exploration of virtual reality–presents a world of its own, a world that we’ve been invited to inhabit.  A world with its unique soundscape, geography, language, and politics. We seek to enter each of these new worlds with a spirit of adventure and critical awareness.  We seek to be audience members who are, as Fuchs puts it, “aroused to meaning.” May our journeys begin!  Safe travels to London, and see you soon.