This page contains content from my Writing 5 course, Digital Pirates: Anonymous and WikiLeaks.

Below is a link to my second writing piece from my Writing 5 course, titled “The Fight for Justice; A Case Study of Edward Snowden and the Examination of his Criminal Charges”. The assignment for this piece was to use research gathered previously in the course to examine a specific event regarding ethics or technology. I study the case of the notable U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden and the justifiability of his criminal charges. Although Snowden’s actions were unlawful, I argue that Snowden deserves a reduction in his criminal charges.

The Fight for Justice

I chose this paper as my best piece from my Writing 5 course because I believe it presents a thorough evaluation of Snowden’s case as well as a logical and well supported argument for the reduction of his criminal charges. Further, I chose this piece because the content of the piece is presented clearly and the structure is coherent, which are aspects of my writing that I have been working on throughout the course. However, the underlying reason why I share this piece of writing is because I believe it exhibits an interesting case and argument that is engaging and provocative to readers.