Sterilization in California

California presents a second situation in which to discuss latinx reproductive rights. This time it is Mexican women living in California. Countless Latina women were involuntarily sterilized at Los Angeles County USC Medical Center. A whistle-blower from within the hospital released some of the facts involved in the sterilizations of numerous women who were forced or unjustly coerced into getting sterilized after delivering a baby. There was no proper consent and these women sometimes due to language barrier or the stress of the situation did not even know they were being sterilized. This was taken to court where the women ultimately lost, which shows another injustice done to these Latina women.

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The fact that these women lost the trial even with the huge amount of evidence in their defense shows the inferior status that women of color still hold in the U.S. If the judge had been of Latino descent then these women probably would have women. If the women had been white women they probably would have won. Thinking about these things make apparent the sentiments of the current power holders. The system is built to favor the powerful men inĀ  society, especially the white male hospital manager.


This situation and the sentiments that both sides express reminded me of Samuel P. Huntington. While at first I did no believe his writing and views had much actual traction in America, our current study of Puerto Rico and Los Angeles have completely turned my view around. When Huntington says: “There is no Americano Dream. There is only the American Dream created by anglo-Protestant society,” I now know there are a large percent of people that do believe this and are actively against Mexican and Puerto Rican immigration to the U.S. and moreover believe them to be a problem that Americans have to deal with.