About Me

The mark of an immature man is that he wishes to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of a mature man is that he wishes to live humbly for one.

Wilhelm Stekel

One of my most important goals in life is to live humbly for a cause that I care about. I consider myself lucky to have found a passion in environmental advocacy early in my life, one that has guided me through school clubs, community gardens, nonprofit organizations, a blog (which, like many of the works listed on this page, I look back on with a bittersweet mixture of fondness and embarrassment), conferences, and now Dartmouth.

But my passion isn’t limited to just the environment. It has spilled over into every facet of my life, helping me to develop a rich and varied set of interests: minimalism, theme park design, Rubik’s cube speed solving, mountain biking, climbing, skiing, and psychology being some of the areas I’m proud to count among my passions and hobbies.

So, welcome! I hope you find something to enjoy among the works listed here. I’ve certainly enjoyed making them.
