What to Do After a Dog Bite: A Step-by-Step Guide


If you’ve been bitten by a dog, it’s important to know what to do. Dog bites can be serious and cause a lot of damage, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect yourself, get the help you need, and think about the non-medical aspects of the situation too. In this blog post, you’ll learn the steps you should take after being bitten by a dog. Keep reading for more information!

Dog bites are quite common. In fact, more than 4 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs every year! That’s why it’s important to know what steps to take if you are bitten.

Step 1: Assess the Injury

The first step is to assess your injury. Check to see how deep the wound is, and if there is any bleeding or signs of infection. If it’s a minor bite, you may be able to handle it yourself. If it’s more serious, seek medical help immediately.

The key thing to look at is if you skin has been broken. If it has, you’ll need to get a tetanus shot and seek medical attention. Also make sure to watch for any signs of infection, such as redness or swelling. Medical professionals will probably give you some antiseptic solution to help ensure an infection doesn’t take hold. They might even give you antibiotics to take proactively.

Step 2: Clean and Care for the Injury

If you were able to assess the injury and think you don’t need medical attention, then it’s time to clean and care for the wound. Start by washing the area with soap and water and applying an antiseptic solution or ointment.

For the days after a bite, continue to clean the area and apply an antiseptic ointment regularly. It’s also important to keep your wound wrapped until it is fully healed. You might even find that you have a bruise but no wound to the skin, in which case it may take some time to settle down. If it doesn’t start to feel better after a day or two, you may want to seek medical help to ensure there are no injuries to a bone, muscle or ligaments.

Step 3: Find Out Who the Owner Is

Once you’ve taken care of your injury and ensured it is healing properly, it’s time to turn your attention to the legal aspects of a dog bite case. To do this, you’ll need to find out who owns the dog that bit you. This is important, as the owner will likely be held liable for any injuries or damages that occurred due to the bite.

If you didn’t think to find out the details of the owner at the time of the bite, you could still look into this a little further. Perhaps you or someone else took a video of the incident, and the dog walker may walk in the same area regularly, so you might still be able to find out who they are.

Step 4: Get A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve been injured due to a dog bite, it is important to get legal advice. A personal injury lawyer will be able to help you understand your rights and get compensation for any medical expenses, damages, or pain and suffering you have incurred as a result of the bite.

They will also be able to help you get in touch with the dog owner’s insurance company, if applicable. It is important to note that personal injury lawyers typically work on a contingency basis, which means you won’t have to pay any up-front costs for their services.

Step 5: Report the Incident

It is important to report the incident to your local animal control agency, or police if needed. This will help ensure that the dog doesn’t bite anyone else. Reporting the incident is also important for insurance purposes, as it will help prove your case if you decide to pursue legal action against the dog owner.

Some dogs make a habit of biting people, so unless you report it, the authorities won’t know about this pattern of behavior. Even if your injuries are not too bad, you wouldn’t want the dog doing worse damage to someone else.

Step 6: Get Emotional Support

It is important to remember that dealing with the aftermath of a dog bite can be emotionally draining. Make sure you get the support you need from family and friends, or seek professional help if needed.

Some people even develop a fear of dogs after being bitten, so it is important to do whatever you can to help yourself cope with the situation. This could be talking to a therapist, joining a support group, or even finding a service dog to help you manage your anxiety.

These are the steps you should take if you have been bitten by a dog. By following these steps, you can ensure that your injury is taken care of and that you get the legal and emotional support you need. Remember, dog bites can be serious and should always be taken seriously. If you ever find yourself in a situation where a dog has bitten you, make sure you take the necessary steps to protect yourself and get help. And don’t forget to report the incident. You never know, you might be helping to save someone else’s life.

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