Low-Cost Gift Ideas for Techy People


Today’s teens are more interested and immersed in technology than any generation before, which makes techy items among the most appreciated and asked-for gifts. While many adults can’t keep up with the trends and advances in technology as fast as their teenage children and relatives, these items still make great gifts. Before you choose a gift for a teen, make sure you understand their preferences, hobbies, and nerdy interests so you can get something that they will enjoy. Also, find out what techy items they already have so you aren’t buying duplicates. Here are some of the best low-cost techy gifts for teens:


Modern, trendy teens consider headphones or earbuds an essential part of their wardrobe. A new set of wireless headphones is a good gift and they are available at all price points. For younger teens or other kids who might not already have a set of headphones, cheaper versions will be sufficient. For techy kids who already have basic earphones or earbuds, consider spending more on a nice set of gaming headphones.

Virtual Reality Headset

A virtual reality headset can transport your teen into a whole new world and provide a unique and immersive experience. Virtual reality is a trending and rapidly evolving technology that you can easily get started with by purchasing headsets that work with your computer, phone, or other devices. New VR games and apps are available all the time and some games your kids already have may be able to be played with a headset.


A smartwatch can be a great gift for a techy teen who loves gadgets and wants to stay connected. While many smartwatches are very pricy, there are medium and low-cost versions available. Many of these have Bluetooth connectivity to phones and can receive emails, texts, and other data when they are connected. Some allow voice calls as well, while others are more basic and seem to be slightly upgraded step-counters.

Portable Wireless Speaker

A portable wireless speaker can provide a quality sound experience on the go, perfect for outdoor activities or parties. In many cases, even the low-cost options have better sound quality than phones or tablets. Teens who enjoy listening to music will appreciate the better sound quality and flexibility of a small wireless speaker and will be glad to have a way to listen to music without using headphones.

Smart Home Devices

Smart home devices such as smart bulbs or smart plugs can be a unique gift that can make a teen’s daily life more convenient and efficient. Teens are often at the forefront of new ideas, so allowing them to experiment with smart home devices, even if it’s only in their bedrooms, is usually appreciated.

Smart bulbs can be programmed to turn on and off at certain times, illuminate in different colors, and more. Some can even coordinate with music or do special effects such as looking like a flickering candle or fireplace.

Smart plugs are a great way to control lights or other devices using a smartphone or voice assistant. They can be a great gift for tech-savvy teens.

3D Printing Pen

A 3D printing pen allows you to be creative and make unique 3D creations. Creative or artsy teens will love this techy option, which they can use to make structures, art, sculptures, and much more. With a 3D pen, you can make small items such as keychains and small gifts, or go all out and use it for large projects like 3D models of famous buildings and vehicles. Because these pens are relatively cheap but can go through a lot of plastic filament, be sure to supply additional refills with your gift so they can enjoy it for longer.

Phone Accessories

Every teen’s favorite accessory has become their phone. Consider buying trendy phone-related gifts such as a cool phone case, a phone stand that can be used when recording video or watching movies, phone charms, or grips for your techy teen. Many of these things come in cool, fun designs that fit in with your teen’s personality, whether they are into gaming, animals, or retro shows.

Gaming Accessories

If your teen is into gaming (and let’s be honest, aren’t they all?) a gaming mouse or a cool mousepad can be an excellent gift idea. In fact, there are so many gaming accessories and tools that the list is almost endless. Other options include headsets with microphones so they can keep up with their gaming friends, chairs or beanbags for a comfy place to sit, new games or consoles, and VR accessories.

LED Light Strips

LED light strips are a fun way to add a little extra ambiance to a teen’s room. This is especially true if you use smart plugs or purchase smart strips. These can be connected to phones or other devices and allow the user to change the color of the lights, set them to turn on and off at certain times, and even coordinate them with movies or music to create cool light effects on the walls.

Phone Camera Lens

If your teen loves photography, a phone camera lens can be a fun gift to help them capture more creative shots. A variety of lenses are available, including macro lenses that allow ultra-close-up shots, fisheye lenses, telephoto lenses that will provide zoom capability, wide-angle lenses for those large shots, and more. With the combination of special lenses and the modern phone’s camera capability, you will be surprised at what your teen can produce!

Tech-Themed T-Shirts

You can find many tech-themed t-shirts that can be a fun and affordable gift idea for a techy teen. Many of these have memes or jokes on them, and if you can find one that fits your teen’s style as well as their taste, you will have a good gift. Many teens are interested in retro technology and old shows as well as new gadgets and trends, so don’t forget to follow the lead of your teen’s interests and preferences.

Wireless Charger

A wireless charger for your teen’s phone or tablet is a convenient and practical gift. Also, consider purchasing a battery charger that they can use when they are away from an electricity source or on the go. Solar chargers can be fun and useful and are perfect for an eco-conscious teen, or anyone who likes to spend time outdoors camping or adventuring.

Flexible Tripod

A flexible tripod is a handy gift for teens who enjoy filming for social media or who have video channels. Flexible tripods allow people to mount their phones on nearly any surface for filming. Unlevel surfaces like rocks, fences, or car hoods can be used, as well as strange things like trees, signposts, and chainlinks. Some even allow the phone to hang upside down if needed.


No matter what interests, hobbies, or trends your favorite teen is enjoying at the moment, you are sure to find an inexpensive, practical, and techy gift that they will appreciate.

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