DACC Fall Schedule 2021

Please see are fall schedule below! All events are subject to change so please keep up with our emails for updates! Additional details can be found below the schedule.

Please note the following details about our playdates below:

  • All of our playdates will run between 3:30pm and 5:30pm. We will also provide (free) lunch and snacks and families members are encouraged to stay with their child(ren).
  • As of now, we plan to have all of our playdates in-person. Most playdates will take place at the Shabazz Center on the Dartmouth campus. We will try to hold most of our fall playdates outside, so please bring a jacket in case it gets a little chilly. On the cooler days, we plan to move inside so you must come prepared with a mask/face covering that covers the nose and mouth. Regardless of vaccination status, any person who enters an indoor Dartmouth space must wear a mask. You will not be allowed to enter the space without one.
  • In the event that there is a COVID spike on Dartmouth’s campus, we place to move our events to a virtual format. This may change the type of event we hold so please look out for our emails for updates.