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Prof. Fang Lili on Chinese Art Anthropology

On July 21, Professor Fang Lili 方李莉, Director of Institute of Art Anthropology of the Chinese Academy of Arts and President of China Art Anthropology Society, delivered a lecture "Anthropological Studies on Urban Art District: Reflections on the 798 Art District (AKA DAD-Dashanzi Art District)" for our FSP. This was arranged to prepare our trip to the 798 Art District this weekend.

A Member of the National Committee of Experts for Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection in China, Prof. Fang is a well established leading scholar in the field.
Fang Lili
Fang Lili 2
Several of the above titles are available at Dartmouth.

We enjoyed Prof. Fang's insightful talk very much.




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