Fire Red

Fire Red


A very red classic diner on Mars at some very distant time in the future. There are 3 tribes that have lived on Mars since it’s settlement: the Ulubrae, the Suasa, and the Asti. Settlement occurred several centuries ago and there is no interplanetary communication anymore. Red dust is the big clue in that the setting is on Mars. Each character that enters the diner from outside drags a bit of the red dust in with them and their shoes mar the floor shiny checkered diner floor as the action continues.


Old Man Suasa: 68-year-old male. He owns the diner and has run it for a few decades now. He is very nosy and likes to give his 2 cents.

Cassia Asti: 16-year-old short girl who is thoughtful and curious, but also a firecracker.

Traian Suasa: 19-year-old male who is tall. Normally stern and direct but gets more frazzled and emotional as the play goes on.

Felix Suasa: 20-year-old male. Feels he needs to prove himself, because he feels like a failure and doesn’t feel capable of much importance.

Atticus Ulubrae: 19-year-old male in a secret relationship with Cassia’s older sister Tullia. He is fundamentally kindhearted and empathetic but has had to become numb to the atrocities his tribe commits so that he could survive. This internal confliction confuses his actions and motivations.


In a diner, has an Earth 1980s aesthetic feel to it, red décor everywhere, checkerboard black and white floors and a shiny stainless steel and white marble counter. The front store windows are coated in thick dark red dust. Everything is dim.

The front door shudders. Someone pounds on it from outside.


Door rattles and shakes


The Old Man inquisitively pops his head out from the back kitchen.



We ain’t open yet! Come back later!

Thud, Old Man comes out from behind counter, Thud


Hey!!! Didn’t ya hear! Come back—

Thud, crack and door creaks open


What the hell!!!



I’m so so sorry!!! I just…

(limps in cautiously, she is bloodied and bruised, and her wrists are bound)

I… I need to speak to Traian… Traian Suasa. He comes here every morning!

Old Man stares at her trying to figure it out


(holding up her bound wrists)

Do you mind?


Er… yeah yeah… sorry… here ya go

Old Man unties/cuts her free from her bonds


What in the heck happened to ya?!? An I know Traian, known him since he was a boy, everyone knows him. What are ya a stalker, fan girl, or something? Ahhhh… definitely an or something… He’s kind of important, y’know?


I know… that’s why I need to talk to him


Ehhhh… ya see … he’ll not be in for a while. There was no need ta bust ma door down… gosh. What ya get yourself inta Asti girl? Ya sure are beat up—


I was in an accident… I—


–Well why didn’t ya just say so. But was with you being tied up? Can I call someone for ya? Anyone else hurt?


No—No thank you. I just need to speak to Traian.



If you’re sure… uhh, must be some important business huh? Top secret maybe, ta go on foot bound all tha way from Asti lands ta here?

(raises an eyebrow and Cassia doesn’t respond)

Unless ya were already here? Someone trying ta hurt ya?

Cassia just shrugs really not wanting to discuss things


Not very talkative are ya? Well ya can’t be speaking with one of the leaders here looking the way ya do. How about we clean ya up a bit?

Cassia tries to refuse



Hold on a sec…

Old Man exits behind the counter and you here noises of rummaging around back

Cassia finds a chair and painfully sits down in it. Her taught muscles begin to relax.

Old Man returns with swabs, disinfectant, and bandages. He places everything on the table besides Cassia and turns the lights of the diner on.


Ya good ta do that on your own?

Cassia nods and starts to clean up her wounds


Can I get anything else for ya while ya wait? Else I might just start setting up. We open in a few


No, go ahead.


Alrighty then, what’s ya name?





Ya can call me Old Man… everyone does. The wife started it and it kinda stuck

(scoffs and mutters to himself)

even though she didn’t.

Cassia gives an awkward nod and continues to attend to her injuries, while the Old Man watches her warily and starts to set up the diner. Arranging chairs, putting out condiments and menus.


This stuff ya got to talk to Traian about… s’pose you could talk ta me and haps I could help ya? Ya in trouble?


I’d really rather just talk to Traian, thank you. There isn’t anything you can do.


Ya never know. I got ma useful qualities


It’s really all good…


Well if ya change your mind and want ta talk, I’m here. I’m always here

When everything in the diner is arranged, he exits to the kitchen.

Cassia binds her cut arm

Traian and Felix enter giving curious looks at the busted ajar door

Cassia drops everything and rushes over

Traian and Felix are taken aback by the sight of her


Traian, I have proof!




(delayed pain of quick movement registers, she winces, but pushes ahead with what she needs to say)

Look! They really are after us all! You must do something; you have to listen to me this time! They kidnapped me to–I don’t know–silence me. That means they really must be going after the Suasa next, like I’ve been saying. I must… I know too much, I poked around too much, and now they want to get rid of me!

The Old Man enters from the kitchen curiosity peaked by the commotion


Not this babble again Cassia.

(rubbing his temple then looking at her closely)

You look terrible.


I know that. I just told you why. They kidnapped me and to escape I made the driver crash! He was out cold, I got myself out and I ran for it, came straight here…


(in a level calm tone)

You’re really committing to this. And what would you have me do about it? You have nothing concrete. You know I’ve made it clear that we will support and aid the Asti during your difficult time right now. That’s already been set. But this nonsense, blaming the Ulubrae, for weeks now, saying we have to go after them, kidnapping… you need to quit these delusions Cassia.


How can you not see! We need to fight back! They’re just going to—




(beat and calm)

No fighting! Accept my offer of aid or leave it alone.


It’s only going to get worse!


I have sympathy and we want to help. Everything that has happened, they’ve been very unfortunate accidents—


–With hella too many coincidences where the Ulubrae come out on top! The things I’ve seen… The sketchy mishaps, the wiping out of our leadership, all of it connects back—


–Conjecture! All of it.


Well if you would just listen—


(a slightly annoyed tone but still level and direct)

–We can’t keep doing this Cassia! There are much more important things I need to deal with than your drama and conspiracy theories. I know the other Suasa tribe leaders were rude and ran you out, I don’t want to do that, but I can’t do anymore for you. Just take my offer of aid and aid alone. Peace is what we need right now, you of all people should respect that. All three tribes have enough tensions and social issues between them as is. Throwing around accusations of Ulubrae targeting you Asti with intentional violence, sabotage… it’s only asking for trouble and causing more issues. Saying we need to take action… History shows violence is never the answer.

Cassia gives an exasperated sigh, winds up, and is about to let loose


(stepping in)

–Hey hey hey! Look you’ve clearly been through some sort of crazy ordeal. We should have a doctor check you out

Cassia scrunches her nose and eyebrows together and gives Felix an absurd look


(a bit thrown off)

Uhhh ok… and well I’m sure you could at least use some sustenance, food… drink, in you. Take a moment and then we can have a calmer more rational talk


(clenching her jaw)

I’m fine

(indicates swabs)

I was managing just fine… (sigh) It’s just… why… (growls) I see that my outcries will get me nowhere and that you don’t believe me…(mumbles) I mean you won’t even give the evidence a chance… no one does… There’s really no choice here…

(exhales, looks Traian in the eye)

We accept your aid, thanks.

Cassia moves her gaze to the floor in ashamed defeat, Felix smiles feeling accomplished, Traian nods and apathetically sits down at a table taking his jacket off and hanging it on the back of the chair.


Hey Old Man, you got something hot to drink and eat for this poor girl? We’ll have our usual.

(to Cassia)

And fine, I concede… no doctor, but let me help, alright?

Cassia painfully shrugs defeated

Felix gets the bandages, swabs and disinfectant. He guides an unmotivated Cassia to the counter; he puts on gloves and they start cleaning and binding the rest of her injuries.

The Old man goes to the back and starts fixing up orders.


Traian would you like me to message ahead to postpone meetings, so we have the time to make sure Cassia is all sorted? Maybe back home to the Asti sector?


What do I have today?


A few one on ones with a couple of the chiefs to prep for the Suasa collective this afternoon.


Hmmm… I already have ideas of what I will say and who will probably side with what. We can cancel most of the one on ones and just accept going in a bit blind. I could use your help with prep later to make sure that is all set.


Oh… sure… You mean you will make the actual decisions, right? I can just assist with putting everything together, like in the report?


That will do. Cassia we have the rest of the morning to sort everything out.


(embarrassed and still feeling dejected)


Felix steps back from helping Cassia, removes a glove to send the message to the office then replaces the glove and returns to helping her. Both Felix and Cassia are engrossed in the task of attending to her injuries maybe making small inaudible conversation.

Traian gets a call, slight smile when he sees who it is, then a curious frown


(in aside, no one else hears his conversation)

Hey! What’s up?…

(listens intently and grows more confused)

Oh… no I’m not going to be in the Air Plant today, why? What’s going on?

(starts to rub his chin in contemplation)

Come on you can tell me?…

(growing annoyed, sighs)

 Seriously just say?… Are you alright?…(beat) Damn it… everyone is being so fucking strange today, Cassia even more than normal and now you!…

(glances briefly at Cassia, hesitant)

Yeah… you know Cassia?… Huh? Yeah, she’s here… she’s been, well she’s been hounding me a lot recently, it’s it’s stupid though… (beat) I mean she’s a bit beat up but alright… going on about a kidnapping… why are you—

(frown deepens)

–Huh… I mean I can try, she kind of does what she wants, you know… Why?… I mean you have to explain this… I just don’t understand… Seriously, what is happening?… All of this is so fucking random… Hey—I— (beat) fine… see you–bye.

Traian hangs up extremely confused, stares hard at his device for a few seconds


(helping Cassia and conversation becoming audible)

So, you crashed… knocked this guy out and just left him?


Yes… what was I supposed to do? Wait around for him to wake up and get other people to come get me… or worse


Ummm… well what if he’s really hurt… or worse?


You’re saying I should have saved the guy trying to kill me instead of running?


I’m saying that this is really confusing, maybe a misunderstanding even… I just think maybe we should go find the guy? If he really was trying to hurt you, he’ll face the consequences, but what if he wasn’t? We should at least try get him to a clinic… I mean not you. Obviously, I don’t think you should really have to deal with the guy anymore, but it isn’t right to leave him out there like that.


There are a lot of things not right right now, but I think I get what you’re saying. Could you get some people to go check on him?


Uhh… yeah, I think I can do that…

Cassia continues to attend her wounds while Felix sends a message on his device

Old Man comes out from the kitchen and gives the plates of food and steaming cups to each of his customers, ending with Traian.



Thanks. You can put her order on my tab


Awful kind of ya.

(ponders and continues the conversation)

Ya know I think the way ya handled all that stuff with the little lady was real wise. I mean if I were ya I wouldn’t even give her the time of day. Thas some real nonsense she was spouting. Is she really okay in the head? She gave me quite the scare this morn, bustin ma door down, coming in here all tied up and beat up. Ya sure ya want her here—


Cassia is fine, she just has an overactive imagination and can get very zealous. I think something bad did happen and this is how she is trying to make sense of it using these nonsense theories she’s been spouting for a while now. She’s had a rough couple years, she’s so young… I mean… don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure she gets home alright later and everything sorted


Well damn, the whole Asti tribe been having a rough couple of years… they barely scraping by. Not sure why they don’t just leave their—

Loud explosion in the distance, rattles the windowpanes, everyone jumps and are on their feet alert.

Siren wails and sounds of mayhem unfold in the distance.


(freaking out)

What the hell was that!?!?


(craning his neck to try see out the dust caked windows)

I don’t know…


Didn’t sound good. I s’pect ya should be heading off ta deal with that?


I… umm…

(glances at Cassia)

I need to discuss things with Cassia for a bit longer

(turns to Felix)

but Felix could you…?


Errr… yeah… I guess sure. On it! Will report back asap.

Felix exits hurriedly

Old Man watches expectantly.

Traian glares at him and motions with a nod for him to leave


Oh… I see… no one needs an old man… what good is he anyways?


We need to have a private conversation


S’pose that means I should close up for a bit then?


That would be appreciated. I’ll see that you’re reimbursed for the inconvenience.


(Proceeds to door as if to close up)

Oh yeah. Well if ya sure.

(remembers the door is busted so just stares at it)

S’pose I should just be honored my humbled establishment is graced with such important conversations.

Old Man writes the word “CLOSED” in the dust on the door window with his finger.


Thank you so much. We really appreciate it


(ambling over to the counter)

Of course… yeah… I’ll let ya get to it!

No response

Old Man shoots them an awkward set of finger guns, hesitates then exits half-heartedly out the back


Normally I would make these aid agreements with your brother, but you’re definitely the more vocal and passionate of all of your siblings.


I may be the youngest, but I know what I’m talking about. My… my mother showed us ALL what it is to be a strong leader, not just my older siblings. You need to sacrifice everything and fight until the end for your people. I know you think I’m crazy… even my family thinks that, but my mother never would have. As an Asti leader she would have considered it a serious potential threat that needs more investigation—

Traian tries to interject


(tone shifts to mirror that of Traian’s formal tone)

–I know. I know that you can’t do that for us right now. All I ask is that in this aid alliance we leave it open to the possibility of another form of alliance, should circumstances change and reveal themselves to be more dire…

They watch each other intently for a few seconds


So… you mean do nothing about your suspicions now?

Cassia nods



But if they turn out to be true—revealed completely on their own– we reserve the right to work together to… counter… to fight it?


(nodding vigorously)

Yes, yes, yes! No accusations or formal investigations need to be made. In fact, I won’t breathe a word of my… thoughts anymore! I just need us to all be open to the possibility even if we don’t openly discuss it…


(scratches his head)

I… well I don’t see how this open alliance could be a bad thing– as long as it doesn’t get out to the Ulubrae that we—I mean you—still hold them in suspicion. That could only antagonize them, whether they’re innocent or not. You understand?


(wide-eyed and getting eager)

Completely! So, it’s settled? We –

Atticus enters. He has a nasty gash on his forehead.

Cassia and Traian turn and see him.

Traian stands up and moves towards Atticus with the most concerned look on his face.

Cassia sits in shock, then leaps up and drags Traian back putting a table between them and Atticus.


(In a defensive stance and clutching Traian’s arm)

YOU!!! He’s the Ulubrae who kidnapped me!


(way more frazzled and confused)

What??? Atticus???


(stepping around the table)

Look it’s not what…

Cassia lunges at Atticus; clawing, thumping, shoving. It’s a scuffle, Atticus is not attacking just shielding himself. Traian dives in, tries to pull Cassia off, she resists, tries again, and finally hits her over the head with a tray from the counter and knocks Cassia out (could be a flimsy foil tray that appears as a solid steel tray but crumples easily on low impact for dramatic effect and less actual force). He catches her.


(breathless and seething)

What the fuck is going on!?!?

(attention shifts for a moment to gently place limp Cassia down, then back to a dark glare on Atticus)

Explain now!


(scattered, trembling, starts pacing)

They were going to abduct her! Kill her! Tullia and I had to do something! So… so… I took her… they would never suspect. I couldn’t let her just die! God she’s Tullia’s baby sister. But she won’t just shut up and leave things be—



–Tullia Asti? I… who?… Who is trying to kill—


(halts his pacing in front of Traian, throws his arms up in the air)


(drops his arms to his sides and hugs himself ashamed)

Everything Cassia’s been on about… The Ulubrae… My dad…. They’re just being stupid, cruel and selfish. It…aaah… I mean… I couldn’t just go with it. People get hurt, people I care about. (sigh) And well Tullia and I…


(staring hard at Atticus)


(rapidly blinks, horrified)

Cassia’s been right??? I… you?

(reins it in and continues to pull it out of Atticus)

Tullia and you…


(blushing and shuffling his feet)

Well we… I… errrmm…


(face a blank page)

You what?


(eyes downcast)

Er just stuff… you know


No, I don’t. What stuff?


We’ve sort of been a thing


(looking anywhere but at Atticus)



(making himself continue)

I think… I think I might even be in love. So… you know… I mean I care about her and like even you’ve been a friend of sorts. I can’t just sit by and let you all get hurt, but you know I can’t just stop them or anything either.


(deep breath)

I just… Cassia’s really been right all along??


Mhmm… Traian please you must believe me and help me protect her. They’ll never think that she’s hiding out with their own. I need to get her to my block. I’ll answer any questions you have, face any consequences, just… please help me.

Long silence Traian thinking hard, stunned, eventually he finds resolve and sets his jaw and nods.


Oh, thank you! Thanks Tray! I just… (exhales)— What… what do you need to know? Anything! Shoot!


(rapid fire leveled tone questions)

You’re trying to protect Cassia? They really want her dead? The Ulubrae, they’re actually trying to take down the Asti? What do you mean you love Tullia? What have they done?


(holding up his palms)

Woah… woah… Yes, they really want her dead for all her meddling and I’m trying to protect her. She doesn’t know that because, she would never trust me, and like my relationship with Tullia isn’t exactly known… We’ve had to keep it that way, you know how inter tribe mingling is… I mean that’s why we aren’t close anymore. Gosh, my dad would actually kill me if he knew I was seeing Tullia. But I might really love her, as in the real deal, and I want her to be safe and Cassia too.


How long have you and—


–Three years now. It’s… well… and then… I just… I really don’t know everything they’ve done. They only started telling me stuff a year ago, but it’s… it’s really really bad. I’m so ashamed. I don’t even tell Tullia about it. She would think I was a monster for letting it happen… only…

(purses his lips)

… only when I found out about Cassia, I had to tell Tullia. I tried to suggest she hide Cassia, it spiraled, was messy telling her what I know. Miraculously… I don’t know… somehow, we made up and came up with the plan that Cassia would only really be safe with me. Of course, we couldn’t tell her why and she would never come willingly, so we… I kidnapped her. When she came to in the rover, she… well she… she attacked me, I spun out of control and we crashed. Next thing I know I have a pounding headache and Cassia is nowhere to be seen.


(sharp inhale, has his in-command of himself and others voice on)

Well we’ll be going back to exactly what crimes have been committed by the Ulubrae. Not sure I can fully trust you yet, it might be better if both you and Cassia stay with me. I just have one more question…


(somber nodding)

Alright, I can give you more details soon. And staying with you makes sense. I probably have a concussion so wouldn’t be at my best to protect or handle Cassia. What’s your last question?


Why did you call me earlier? The whole Air Plant thing, did you know Cassia would come to me?

Atticus sits down and looks at his feet. He is about to speak

Felix rushes in and goes straight to Traian’s side not noticing Cassia on the floor


The west Air Plant’s been blown up! Traian it’s chaos, so many hurt, so many systems going berserk, it’s an emergency! I came as soon as I could, you’re needed right now!!!

Atticus buries his head in his hands


(slow painful realization, jaw clenched)

The Air Plant…

(stares hard at Atticus)

…and I suppose it was no accident

Felix looks from one man to the other completely baffled


Tray… I tried to warn you—


(the angriest he has ever been)

— NO! You asked if I would be there… you didn’t say shit about all those lives in danger who were there!


(at a loss)

I… uh… what?


(clenching fists, breathes deep and turns to Felix)

Felix, listen. I need you to start working on this and sorting it out for me. Set up shelters for the injured, run a check of the East Air Plant and the backup generators, make sure for now it will cover the whole—


–Traian! Why can’t you just—


(glancing at knocked out Cassia)

–I need to finish here


(seeing Cassia for the first time and dumbfounded)

Oh… what umm???

Traian shakes his head giving a “don’t even ask” gesture


(eyes wide looking at Traian)

You really think I can—


–Yes! You can! I trust you completely! Now go and I’ll be right there when I can.

(grasps Felix’s shoulders)

You’ve got this!


I… I don’t—


Felix you’re the best person for this! I need you and you won’t fail me! Now seriously… fucking go!

Traian releases him with a slight push and Felix exits quickly, standing tall with purpose his fists clenched


Thank you—


–This isn’t for you… this is for Cassia. Don’t think that you or the Ulubrae won’t face any consequences. I suppose this means that all the accidents that happened to the Asti were…


(quietly ashamed)



And now it’s our turn to suffer for our ignorance.


Traian… I’m so so sorry. If I could go back, if I could’ve come to you sooner—


(turning away)

–But you didn’t. You made your choice to do nothing, and I almost let myself do the same…


I haven’t done nothing!!!


What? You mean to tell me that kidnapping Cassia and calling me should count??


That’s pathetic!


(twiddling his thumbs)

I know. They’ve done so many awful things, and I knew and watched


(anger turning to crushing pain)

How could you!?!? Atticus You think I have a choice???


Yes!!! You’re the one who taught me that! You’re the one that got me to look for the good. You were good!


We were kids Tray! I didn’t have a clue how messy real life actually is. That I have no power. That my whole tribe is fucked up and seeking covert planetary domination! How was I supposed to know shit???


You weren’t, but now that you do you don’t do shit!!!


I am—


–No you—


What do you want me to say? It’s my fault the Asti are in ruin! It’s my fault your Air Plant blew up! It’s my fault Cassia is on the Ulubrae’s hit list! It’s all my fault!!! I’m the fucking problem!


You can certainly have a some of the blame!


Well fine! Fine! I’ve had to numb myself for so long! That guilt… it crushes… it destroys… but you’re right. I’m a terrible person, sick, twisted, messed up


I just expected better from you!


You never should have! I am foul, marred, dirty,

(starts pulling at his shirt)

…unfit, disgusting, vile, unlovable—



Atticus halts his torment and looks at Traian

Cassia begins to stir


The Atticus I knew was none of those things. He was kindhearted and caring (beat) You screwed up. So, let’s fix it.


But how?


One thing at a time. And this doesn’t mean you’re off the hook!


Of course! I never will be, I won’t let it


(closes his eyes for a moment and breathes out)

Look… I need to go sort out everything at the Air Plant


Yes… definitely… I’m sorry…


But I shouldn’t leave you—


Um… I mean I guess I can take care of Cassia, just point me in the right direction.


But you’re hurt too and—


I’ll be fine, we’ll be fine. Where should we go?


I don’t know…


Come on, where?


This doesn’t sound like a good idea. I still don’t get you and as you said before, with that concussion how can you really deal with Cassia on your own…


Just… ok… we can discuss that in a moment, but how about we answer the where before the how


I… I mean I would say my place, but you would have to go the long way. Avoid the mess that is town right now, you seriously cannot do that alone. You know what… I’ll call someone to help—


–No! That doesn’t make any sense. No one else besides us, and you need to go… so just me! The less people know the better. Huh…


I think I would really only need a vehicle and it would be easy going from there. How could we get a vehicle?

Cassia shifts, opens her groggy eyes and watches the discussion.

The men do not notice as they are intent on each other.


That’s way too much for you to do by yourself. No way! Besides, I can’t trust you completely with all that! Not yet anyways.


You have no choice! My tribe want her dead. I need to do this!


I won’t let you! I can’t… No!


Tray, please, it will be fine


Nothing is or will be fine! Think of something else, something better

Cassia inches her way on the floor behind the table toward the door


You’re kind of stuck with no options here.


You keep saying that! It’s not true at all. I just need to think… something… anything… maybe… argh… I need more fucking time. There are always alternatives!

Cassia halts by the chair that has Traian’s jacket on it and goes through it.


Not this time…


Yes fucking this time! Just wait… wait a second


Just let me take her Tray! Everything will be ok—


No! I –

Flashing lights, bright ray, high pitch sci fi zap sound (Star Wars shooting sound)

When lights settle, Cassia is seen with a gun shaped object that had been in Traian’s jacket on the chair.

Atticus’s chest is bloody, he is gurgling, and dropping to his knees.

Traian rushes to catch him

Cassia drops the gun in shock


(pale with fear)

What the fuck have you done???

Traian cradles a dead Atticus in his arms and drifts down to the floor. His back to the audience.

Old Man enters, sees, is struck with horror


(gaze jumping from one person to the next)

Shit! I… hell naw… Nope nope… not ma diner. I ain’t…

Old man gets extremely panicked, for once not wanting to try get directly involved and quickly escapes to the back

Pause (the Old Man calls for help)

Sirens wail



I—I just–


(breaking down and rocking back and forth clutching Atticus to his chest)

–No no no no no! Get out!! Get out! Before I fucking kill you!


(terrified and utterly confused)

What?!?! He was going to kill me! He was going to hurt you!



No! Shut up! No! He was trying to protect you! You idiot! AAAAHHH! You have no clue what you’ve fucking done! Get out!!!! Get the fuck out!


(taken aback and flustered)

Protect me???

Traian is hunched over, sobbing, burying his face in Atticus’ bloody chest trying to pull himself together, eventually, he takes a deep dark breath and slowly lifts his head.


(filled with spite)

You never think, do you??? You just dive in on what you see, not what you actually know. I hate you!


(tentatively approaches)

I… I don’t understand


(his words are daggers at her)

You just killed your sister’s beloved!!!!…

(beat looks back at Atticus in his arms)

… and mine

(swallows back a sob)

Cassia is frozen absolutely dumbstruck. She slowly raises her arms and hugs herself trying to understand


(with the utmost hate)

The Asti will never ever see any aid from the Suasa. You did that! You killed him!!!! You killed them!


(slight step closer)



(between painful sobs)


Cassia hesitates, for the first time ever she doesn’t have any justification or reasoning to do or say anything… she got it wrong… she doesn’t understand… shaking, hugging herself tight and holding in tears she slowly makes her way to the door. She pauses while opening it to turn back and glance at Traian, her eyes fixate on the body for a moment. Her face is haunted by what she has done. Her head snaps back to the door and she leaves.

Traian continues sobbing on the floor while cradling and rocking a dead Atticus in his arms.


I… I’m

(swallows a sob)

… I’m so sorry. I should’ve trusted you… I should’ve

(weeps quietly and whispers)

I loved you… and they will pay… they all will!

Lights fade to black

Projection on a blank screen in deep red; “The spark of the war on Mars”
