Grand Canyon Flythrough

In my flythrough, I viewed the scene of the Grand Canyon using the data provided for this lab. I particularly tried to focus upon the river valley. I constructed this first by giving the image base heights and setting the symbology. I even exaggerated the scene a bit as it allowed for the minor details in the topography to be viewed more clearly. Then I navigated through the scene taking snapshots to set the viewpoints for the animation. At first, I took too many snapshots creating a jumpy and dizzying animation. So I changed to taking only a few snapshots allowing Arc Scene to smooth out what was in between. Another problem presented itself in how Arc Scene automatically set the intervals to condense about three-fourths of the way into the animation then spread out again, making it appear to speed up and get choppy again at that point of the animation. To fix this, I used the Time View tab to rearrange the key views and spread them out. There were a few issues with panels of the imagery disappearing for certain shots, but I could not fix this particular issue.