
This is a list of some of the interesting courses I have completed in my academic career. If a course has an associated project, look for a hyperlink in the description.

Capstone Engineering Project (In Progress)

Lean Steer Difference LLC (LSD)

Our sponsor (LSD) wanted us to design, engineer, and fabricate a prototype skateboard truck that corrected the lean-to-steer physics of a skateboard. So we engineered a skateboard truck that allowed users to be perpendicular to the board when turning at all speeds. In other words, at low speeds when you lean hard the skateboard will turn sharply and at higher speeds, the turning will be shallower for similar leaning.

Computer Aided Mechanical Engineering Design (In Progress)

An investigation of techniques useful in the mechanical design process. Topics include computer graphics, computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, computer-aided (finite element) analysis, and the influence of manufacturing methods on the design process. Project work will be emphasized.

Computer Architecture

A detailed study of the hardware and software that make up a computer system. Topics included assembly language programming, digital logic design, microarchitecture, pipelines, caches, and RISC vs. CISC. The goal of the course is teach students how computers are built, how they work at the lowest level, and how this knowledge can be used to write better programs.

Data Structures

In this course I studied the ideas and structures helpful in designing algorithms and writing programs for solving large, complex problems. The Java programming language and object-oriented paradigm are introduced in the context of important abstract data types (ADTs) such as stacks, queues, trees, and graphs. We will study efficient implementations of these ADTs, and learn classic algorithms to manipulate these structures for tasks such as sorting and searching. Prior programming experience is expected, but prior familiarity with the Java programming language is not assumed.

Electronics: Linear & Digital Circuits

Principles of operation of semiconductor diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, and their application in rectifier, amplifier, waveshaping, and logic circuits. Basic active-circuit theory. Introduction to integrated circuits: the operational amplifier and comparator, to include practical considerations for designing circuits with off-the shelf components. Emphasis on breadth of coverage of low-frequency linear and digital networks, as well as on high order passive and active filter design.

Project: Heart Rate Monitor

Create a circuit for a heart rate monitor that utilizes a modified stethoscope that converts the measured heartbeat into an analog electric signal.

Fourier Transforms and Applications

Survey of a number of mathematical methods of importance in engineering and physics with particular emphasis on the Fourier transform as a tool for modeling and analysis. Orthogonal function expansions, Fourier series, discrete and continuous Fourier transforms, generalized functions and sampling theory, complex functions and complex integration, Laplace, Z, and Hilbert transforms. Computational Fourier analysis, applications to linear systems, waves, and signal processing.

General Relativity

Among the forces of nature, gravity is both the most familiar and the least well-understood. A hundred years after it was formulated by Einstein, General Relativity remains our best fundamental theory of gravity. In this course we will see how gravity emerges from the geometry of curved spacetime and how this picture leads to phenomena such as black holes, gravitational waves, and the expansion of the universe.

Geometric Modelling

The ability to describe three-dimensional geometric objects is fundamental for computer-aided design, scientific computing, and computer graphics. In this course we will investigate common methods for building and manipulating digital representations of three-dimensional curves, surfaces, and solids using polygonal and polyhedral meshes. This includes topics in mesh parameterization, adaptation, and registration, as well as surface reconstruction and deformation. We will also review common numerical methods used in scientific computing, including the finite element method, and study techniques for visualization, analysis, and design. Students will implement labs and projects using C++, within a framework provided by the instructor.

Final Project: Subdivision Surfaces

Create a subdivision surfaces program that can take a triangle or quad mesh and subdivides it a specified number of times.

Machine Engineering

An introduction to the analysis and synthesis of mechanical components and systems. Lecture topics focus on design and analysis of mechanical components subject to static and fatigue loading conditions, deformation, and buckling. Power transmission shafting, bearings, and gears will be studied in detail. A survey of design requirements for other components — springs, screws, belts, clutches, brakes, roller chains, and welded and riveted connections — will be provided. The class includes laboratory sessions for developing practical skills in design fabrication. A term project emphasizes the synthesis of a working machine to complete a specified task. The project involves the design or selection of components studied, and includes fabrication and demonstration of the machine.

Project: Amphibious Delivery Robot

Create an RC Amphibious Delivery Robot that can traverse a sepecified obstacle course and deliver object across different terrains.


Mechatronics is the systems engineering approach to computer-controlled products. This course will integrate digital control theory, real-time computing, software design, sensing, estimation, and actuation through a series of laboratory assignments, complementary lectures, problem sets, and a final project. Topics covered will include microprocessor based real-time computing, digital control, state estimation, signal conditioning, sensors, autonomous navigation, and control architectures for autonomous systems.

Project: Micromouse

The Micromouse Project is an innovative initiative aimed at designing, programming, and developing an autonomous robotic mouse (“micromouse”) capable of navigating through complex mazes. This venture involves intricate elements of robotics, software engineering, and hardware design.

At the heart of the project is the creation of a micromouse equipped with sensors, motors, microcontrollers, and algorithms to decipher its surrounding environment, map the maze, and strategize the fastest route to the maze’s center. The project’s primary goal is to achieve optimal maze-solving efficiency, combining speed and accuracy.

Modern Control Theory

Emphasis on digital control, state-space analysis and design, and optimal control of dynamic systems. Topics include review of classical control theory, discrete-time system theory, discrete modeling of continuous-time systems, transform methods for digital control design, the state-space approach to control system design, optimal control, and effects of quantization and sampling rate on performance of digital control systems.


Current papers in the field of nanotechnology will be discussed in the context of the course material. In the second half of the term, students will pick a topic of interest and have either individual or small group meetings to discuss literature and research opportunities in this area. The students will prepare a grant proposal in their area of interest.

Operations Research

This course provides an overview of a broad range of deterministic and probabilistic operations research models with a focus on engineering applications. Emphasis is on developing strong formulations, understanding key solution concepts, developing efficient algorithms, and grasping the advantages and limitations of each approach. After a brief overview of linear and discrete optimization models, the course covers four main types of techniques: network models, queuing theory, discrete events simulation and game theoretic analysis. Various network models and the corresponding solution algorithms are discussed. Key results and applications of queuing models are presented. Uncertainty associated with real-world modeling is captured through simulation techniques with specific emphasis on discrete events simulation. Equilibrium modeling concepts for strategic form games and extensive form games are introduced as extensions of the core optimization concepts. Application examples are drawn from aerospace, biomedical, civil, computer, electrical, industrial, mechanical, and systems engineering.

Science of Materials

An introduction to the structure/property relationships, which govern the mechanical, the thermal, and the electrical behavior of solids (ceramics, metals, and polymers). Topics include atomic, crystalline, and amorphous structures; X-ray diffraction; imperfections in crystals; phase diagrams; phase transformations; elastic and plastic deformation; free electron theory and band theory of solids; electrical conduction in metals and semi-conductors. The laboratory consists of an experimental project selected by the student and approved by the instructor.

Project: Dye Sensitized Solar Cell

Create and study the effectiveness of different dyes for dye sensitized solar cells.

Solid Mechanics

After a brief review of the concepts of rigid body statics, the field equations describing the static behavior of deformable elastic solids are developed. The stress and strain tensors are introduced and utilized in the development. Exact and approximate solutions of the field equations are used in the study of common loading cases, including tension/compression, bending, torsion, pressure, and combinations of these. In the laboratory phase of the course, various methods of experimental solid mechanics are introduced. Some of these methods are used in a project in which the deformation and stress in an actual load system are determined and compared with theoretical predictions. The course includes a series of computer exercises designed to enhance the student’s understanding of the principles of solid mechanics.

Project: Truss Bridge

Create and design a truss bridge out of manila file folder for optimized weight-to-carrying capacity.