Copper Bolt Action Pen

I saw the design for a similar pen online and thought to myself: “I could probably make that”. I definitely gave it my best shot. I wanted the pen to not only look nice, but feel nice too. So I started with a Waterman Rollerball ink cartridge and built the pen around that design.

I try to make my projects from scrap metal I find around the shop and as a result, I didn’t know what I was going to use for the clip. I went about a week and I was just about set to make the clip from a 6″ black scale ruler, but then I found an old bandsaw blade in the scrap box. I grabbed it, broke a small piece off, and hit it with a ball peen hammer to work harden it further to make it even more rigid and bent it to a profile I felt looked right. I like the contrast between the precision of the turned copper and the randomness of the ball peen hammer dents in the clip.