Project Post-Mortem

Our Project Post-Mortems essentially served as mini reflections upon each, individual project. The following reflection was included at the beginning of my final submission of Project 2. 

This project was very different than the previous writing assignment, and unlike any paper I’d written before because it combining an argumentative research paper with the IMRD structure. Initially I was unsure of how to proceed and frustrated that none of my content and arguments seemed to fit properly but I then modified the way I was looking at this paper and it began to make more sense. When it came time to draft the paper, I wrote it “inside-out”, if you will. After compiling all of my sources and pulling quotes, I wrote my question and then my thesis. Then I wrote the discussion portion of the paper so that I knew what I wanted the methods and results to eventually “add up to”. Then I went back to the top of the paper and wrote the introduction so I had my starting point and after this moved to the results so I could articulate all of the thoughts in my head about how my archive and critical lens interacted. Finally, I wrote the methods and everyone clicked. After this proofreading and editing was much easier and I think this strategy served me well for this unique assignment.