Hollywood and Diversity Infographic

In the recent years, whitewashing and Hollywood’s general lack of diversity have become emerging topics of discussion, often trending on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. This increase in discussion has led to some accountability on the part of various film studio executives and directors as more films are centering around the narratives of minorities and those that whitewash have their directors issuing public apologies. However, I feel that this general trend of increasing diversity relative to the Hollywood of the past has left certain people irritated with the fact that activists and people of color continue to call out films for whitewashing and their lack of diversity; especially when the whitewashing and lack of diversity gets more nuanced and subtle. These people were my intended audience for this infographic; the people that have heard about whitewashing through social media or the news but feel like everyone who’s complaining are just making a mountain out of a molehill.

The goal of my infographic was to highlight the problem of the lack of racial diversity in Hollywood and the lack of opportunities offered to people of color. The medium used to convey this information was an infographic in which a variety of chosen graphics and statistics were used to easily convey the intended information in a way that would be easily understood by my intended audience. This included adding framing in the beginning of my infographic so that my infographic would not seem overtly aggressive towards my intended audience.

Here’s the link to my infographic, check it out for yourself and see if my attempts were successful! Link : https://magic.piktochart.com/output/23258548-new-piktochart

From this assignment, I learned just how important it was to consider the small details and to be incredibly detail oriented when creating the infographic. Any word or graphic needed to have a purpose, if it was filler then it was just detracting from the main point of an infographic, which was to convey information visually and quickly. I think this is what I appreciated the most out of this assignment, the ability to think visually, which I had rarely done in a writing class. It’s also what I’m most proud of with this assignment. The interactive user interface of piktochart made it easy to use a variety of graphics and images in new ways and it was actually really fun to play with what was given. Some of the graphics I’m especially proud of : the entire header in which I placed the critical acclaim “wreaths” on either side of my title and also made the blue background opaque so that I could place a magazine cover of just white women under it; combining the various movie posters with the play button as a new spin of displaying the various movies that center around people of color and the entire whitewashing in hollywood panel because it had amazing flow and the idea of putting movie scenes inside the clip art of the film reel.

For a final draft, I would probably make change some of the backgrounds for the panels that I can break up the graphic and make it a little less overwhelming on the viewer. I’d also decrease the amount of vertical lines the design forms so that the entire design of the infographic has better flow and the information is easier to scan.