Sources for “At least – to pray – is left – / is left –” (F377, J344)

Cody, Dan. “‘When one’s soul’s at a white heat’: Dickinson and the ‘Azarian School.'” The Emily Dickinson Journal. 1 (1 2010): 30-59. doi: 10.1353/edj.0.0217.

Wolosky, Shira. Emily Dickinson: A Voice of War. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1984.

—–. “Public and Private in Dickinson’s War Poetry.” A Historical Guide to Emily Dickinson. Ed. Vivian R. Pollak. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004: 103-32.

See also: Eberwein, Jane Donahue. “‘Is Immortality True?’ Salvaging Faith in an Age of Upheavals.” A Historical Guide to Emily Dickinson. Ed. Vivian R. Pollak. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004: 67-102.

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