Miss Representation & She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry review

Miss Representation focused more on current media portrayals of women, especially in entertainment, news, and advertisement. The film put on a strong focus on the sexual objectification of women. I found it compelling how the film first establishes how much the media is engrained into our culture. Media often dictates how we think: perceptions of beauty, goals, and role models. For women, it is especially difficult when successful women are underrepresented while objectification is rampant in the media. The phrase, “You can’t be what you can’t see” comes up throughout the film. However, the film does interview high-profile women news anchors, celebrities and Condoleeza Rice to advocate women empowerment. In addition, the film interviews high schoolers and many touching narratives are introduced. Body images and self-esteem issues disproportionately affect girls at a time with they are impressionable and still forming their identities.

She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry, showcases the 20th century feminist movement. Therefore, the media represented in the film largely surrounded news, hearings, demonstrations, and speeches beginning in the 1950’s. I felt that the film’s title was a little misleading at first. I got the impression that “She’s beautiful when she’s angry” was a phrase to devalue women’s concerns by ignoring her anger and focusing on her looks. However, the film made it apparent that when women stand in solidarity for social progress, the beauty of chance and justice results. I liked how the film demonstrated the gradual acceptance of the feminist movement. Many women at first were hesitant to affiliate with the movement due to negative cultural stereotypes, but as women and men recognized the inequality, the movement gained a voice. I appreciate how the film portrays the feminist movement in a holistic manner by recognizing that there were problems of not including intersectional identities and limiting the feminist narrative to that of the straight white woman. Also, the film pointed out that as a new movement, naturally mistakes could be made and sometimes women were pressured into breaking off all male relationships including their husbands. I appreciate the sacrifices the leaders of the feminist movement made, even burning their college degrees, in the name of economic and political equality for the sexes.