Entry 3: First Draft of Research Paper

Writing the first draft of the research paper was a lot harder than I thought it would. By that point I had done a considerable amount of preliminary research so I realized I had so many different pieces of information and ideas to synthesis in my mind and I couldn’t find a coherent way to put them together. So most of the time writing the draft was spent writing a series of sentences them realizing none of them made sense then erasing them and starting over. Then I remember what my writing 5 professor last term had told me, just write all that’s in your mind and worry about the rest later. So I did that and wrote all the ideas I had then went to sleep and looked at it again with a fresh mind. The next morning I was able to organize the ideas I want to include in the research paper in the form of a pretty detail outline to guide me and make sure I don’t go off topic.

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