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An Artist

"hidden within every work of art is a force that atheatp025p1can allow a person to glimpse the secret of life" - Svoboda (12)

Josef Svoboda was a scenographer, a term he himself coined and used to describe his role in theatre production. This title, as opposed to scenic or set designer, emphasizes the artistic role of the designer in the creative shaping of the production, on par with the director and the playwright (Pearlman, 202). And what an artist he was.

Throughout his career, his style shifted to meet the needs of the production and dependent upon the new technology of the time while remaining grounded in his architectural and experimental artistic trademark. As a theatre artist, Svoboda does not fit neatly into one movement or art style, but would rather borrow techniques from any style when it suited him and his project. He is often considered a postmodern designer because of this. His art was deeply influenced by scenic innovators who came before him, namely Edward Gordon Craig, Adolphe Appia, Richard Wagner, and Erwin Piscator.

"Scenery is not an end in itself but a logical component of the complementary arts of the stage. The scenic artists collaborates on equal terms with the author and director" - Svoboda (Martin, 202)

Svoboda's artistic career began in his role of designer at the Fifth of May Theater, an experimental, "liberated" (Burian, 184) theatre that would shape his style for the rest of his career.

One of Svoboda's most notable designs was at an art expo in Montreal. In this design, performers would interact with a large ball on film, which would then appear, seemingly magically, as a real ball. This ball would go back and forth between being corporal and illusionary.

In 1958, he cofounded and later artistic directed the Laterna Magika, or "Magic Lantern," a performance theatre heavily dependent upon performers', svoboda-11interactions with film, with a strong emphasis on ballet and pantomime. With this company, he would put on exhibitions of media and performance.

Svoboda, while being a trained architect and a creative technician, was first and foremost a theatre artist. In his career, he pushed the boundaries of theatre and performance design, and redefined the creative role of the designer. Josef Svoboda was a liberated and visionary artist of the stage.







"Josef Svoboda". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2016. Web. 18 May. 2016 <>.

Svoboda, Josef. Magic Flute set design. 1970.

Fabrizi, Mariabruna. "Light, Shadows, Projections: Set Design by Josef Svoboda – – SOCKS." SOCKS. N.p., 10 Oct. 2015. Web. 18 May 2016. <>.