Pulitzer Prize

Won: Buried Child

Nominated: True West, Fool for love

1983 supporting actor Oscar nomination for The Right Stuff.

Won OBIE awards for 10 plays—

  • Chicago (which Shepard claims to have written in a single day),
  • Icarus’s Mother and
  • Red Cross.
  • La Turista: his first full-length play (1967)
  • Melodrama Play (1968)
  • Cowboys #2 (1968).
  • etc

Won Best TV supporting actor for his role in Lily Dale

See Awards for the complete list of Sam Shepard’s awards.

[1]Shewey, D. (1997). Sam Shepard. New York: Da Capo Press.

[2]Crank, J. (2013). Understanding Sam Shepard. Columbia: South Carolina University Press.