
after Toni Morrison

something about the color of the sky

before the lights go out

makes me remember your eyes with my hands

and want them, the way

they flutter like beads

when a bracelet is torn open

and scatter like rays of light in broken eyes


and here I was, thinking

it wasn’t possible to be loved and heartbroken at once


You’re burning in the heat of your own light

and I’m stuck piecing your ashes back together

it’s hard enough to touch you, seething

don’t tear me apart as well


glass beads, easy, lying,

the skin-deep kind of deceptive

You think you see right through them

pure honesty is scary, You think

well, here’s something you don’t know about me:
I love you so much I get nightmares sometimes and

isn’t that a little scary too?


how sour and stinging it must be

to dissolve someone

when their

arm is around your shoulder

how slippery the floor must be

to wash the memories of Girl down the drain

when her eyes avoid contact with yours

yet stare so close they could be

your own


but how sweet You must feel

to have that kind of power in the first place


how sweet You must feel

how Beloved.