Final Presentations Reflections

Leah, Valentina, and Kate had a very thorough and engaging presentation. The extensive use of statistics effectively supplemented the information they presented regarding mental health, the abortion ban, postpartum depression, and more. I was particularly intrigued by the crossover of maternal and mental health (“baby blues”)–something I had not given much thought to before–and the use of the term “structural violence” to describe psychosocial and hormonal factors surrounding maternal health. Moreover, I appreciated the connection with the DHMC Women’s Health Resource Center, and the interactive materials that were brought back (e.g. the booklet, polaroids, etc.) as this provides effective resources upon which practical solutions can be developed. Near the end of the presentation, Leah, Valentina, and Kate proposed a very well thought-out project that has a lot of potential, and I look forward to seeing its results when implemented in Nicaragua.

I’d also like to discuss Amrit, Charly, and Sydney’s presentation, as it also examines maternal health– though through the perspective of the Zika virus. I appreciate the fact that they began the presentation with a detailed (though not overwhelming) explanation of the biological basis of the virus (its classification, life cycle, transmission, etc.). They effectively countered established facts with uncertainties regarding the virus, such as “how long virus persists in men who had zika”, setting the stage for a possible discussion on how to approach treatment and prevention with these uncertainties in mind. I also was impressed with the concrete, multi-step initiative that they plan on implementing in Nicaragua– which includes providing handouts and surveys, and engaging in ethnographic interviews. Given the high proportion of projects that focus on maternal health, it should be interesting to compile and analyze the results from each of the surveys/interviews that are components of these projects.

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