squirrel eating an acorn!

Hi avid nature lovers!

As I was on my way to brunch with my parents this past weekend, I spotted this squirrel out of the corner of my eye. Despite my mother’s complaints, I started filming as the squirrel was literally eating an acorn and it was too exciting to pass up! You can find more footage on @big_green_squirrels (shameless Instagram plug).

This squirrel has the typical dark grey coloring and lighter grey tail that I’ve seen in the squirrels around Dartmouth. However, its tail was longer and skinner than most squirrels around. Also, its underbelly is white, which is something I had never noticed before.

squirrel with an acorn in its mouth!

The squirrel was hopping around, with the acorn in his mouth, and then stood up and stared directly at me (as seen in the photograph above). He appeared to be anxious, but then turned away and started chomping on the acorn. He rolled the acorn around in his hands as he was eating it, almost as if he was shaving off parts of it. Then suddenly, the squirrel began to bury the acorn in the dirt around the tree trunk. His whole body was involved in the digging. But, as abruptly as he began the burial, it ended. The squirrel started jumping down the side of the hill, and came extremely close to me, which I was surprised by. I wonder if the Dartmouth squirrels are more accustomed to people than squirrels in the wild.

In the end, this whole squirrel activity prompted me to wonder what the squirrel’s tactics are with burying acorns, and if they ever end up eating the whole thing.

What do you think? Have you seen any squirrel activity around campus?

