African American Males in Higher Education

Being an African-American male has had a large impact on me as a scholar. I have faced discrimination throughout my life, and always have felt the need to fight against the negative stereotypes associated with people of my race. The video attached below is one I created surveying my fellow classmates on their experiences with first impressions at Dartmouth.

Linked below is an Ethnography I created in my Expository Writing course on Inclusivity and Diversity in Higher Education. The subject group of this ethnography was African-American males at Dartmouth.

(Fall 2017)

African American Males at Dartmouth

For this same Expository Writing course, I also did a research paper to further investigate my findings and assumptions from my ethnographic field work. That paper is linked below.

(Fall 2017)

Finds on Impressions, Stereotypes, and Inclusion of African American males in college