I enjoyed viewing Frida and consider the film to be a useful tool for understanding the nuances of Frida and Diego’s relationship and their respective personalities. Julie Taymor effectively captured the essence of Frida Kahlo and provided an accurate representation of her motivations and behaviours. Carlos Fuentes remarks that Kahlo, “describes her own pain, it does not render her mute, her scream is articulate”. This notion of Kahlo’s ability to wear her pain and use it as motivation for her work was captured creatively through Taymor’s decision to show some of Kahlo’s art as in motion with lifelike cinematography. Doing this effectively accentuated the introspective aspects of Kahlo’s work, as Taymor quite literally brought her work to life, closing the gap even more between Frida’s existence and her self depiction. I also noted that Rivera’s work carried more agency in the film than that of Frida Kahlo, which seems counter intuitive considering Kahlo’s standing as a Mexican icon and the protagonist of the film. Interestingly, this strikes me as a tactical reservation made by Taymor, as much of Kahlo’s art became famous after her death, whereas Rivera held much more prominence at during the time frame of their lives.