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Want More?


Clark, Martin. Modern Italy: 1871 to the present. Routledge, 2014.

D’Amico, Maria Luisa Aguirre. Album Pirandello. Research by Maria Luisa Aguirre D’Amico, Eileen Romano, and Virginia Semproni, Mondadori Milan, 1992.

Gainor, J. Ellen, et al. The Norton Anthology of Drama. W. W. Norton & Company, 2014.

Giudice, Gaspare. Pirandello: A Biography. Translated by Alastair Hamilton, Oxford University Press, 1975.

Pirandello, Luigi, et al. Lettere a Marta Abba. Mondadori, 1995.

Rey, John B. “Pirandello’s ‘Last’ Play: Some Notes on The Mountain Giants.Modern Drama, vol. 20, no. 4, 1977, pp. 413-420.

"The Nobel Prize in Literature 1934". Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 27 Apr 2018. <>

Vittorini, Domenico. The Drama of Luigi Pirandello. Dover Publications Inc, 1957.

Whitfield, John Humphreys. “Luigi Pirandello” Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Jan. 2017. <>

*translations by Jaclyn Pageau

Further Reading

*The above sources*

L'Umerismo by Luigi Pirandello

"Pirandello and Possibility" by William Herman (

"Pirandello and the Resistance to Tragedy" by David Groves (

"Pirandello's Sei Personaggi and Expressive Form" by Jerome Mazzaro (

"Shakespearean and Pirendellian: Hamlet and Six Characters in Search of an Author" by Maurice Charney (

*The play list from "His Work"*

Further Viewing

A Twilight Zone episode based on Six Character...


A 1996 performance of Six Characters...