Writing Blog Entry 5

Final Reflections

I enjoyed this class. I am now more knowledgeable about the Mexican Revolution, Los Tres Grandes and Frida Kahlo, and about art performances. Although it has only been about three months studying these topics, I am vastly more aware of my surroundings. I have also come to learn a lot more on the street art movement. Not only is street art a representation of a community, but it is also a social movement towards misjudgments. Street art was and still is correlated with gang activity despite not being true. As I finished my research paper, I came to realize my point of view on public art, specifically with unauthorized art. I still have the same opinion: public art does not need to be sanctioned by someone because any artist could expose their artwork on the streets even if there is a catch to it. To reach more audiences though, the artists would need to expose their artwork in a larger extent.

I am grateful to have learned so much of Frida Kahlo. She has now become one of my role models as to how I would like to think about certain subjects. Although her image is part of the feminist movement, Frida represents a strong, female figure who will speak against any injustice to her or her family. This class has made me more critical of my surroundings as well. When I return to Chicago, I will not only stare at the graffiti and murals on the walls, but do my best to acknowledge what sort of meaning if any, they are trying to capture.

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