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Lourlin, Maggie, & Renee


For our final project, we took the opportunity to dive deeper into the portrayal of Latinx characters in sitcoms, analyzing the ways in which they are portrayed along with the implications these portrayals have in our society.

Having been dismissed as mindless television with banal and unintelligent humor, the situational comedy has been largely overlooked as a media form and its consumers not closely considered. However, if representation of Latinxs or any minorities is to be improved, audiences must be anything but mindless, and instead, work in tandem with the moldbreakers in Hollywood for more consistent and more accurate portrayals of Latinxs. And in improving the ways Latinxs are situated in the narratives of sitcom, we believe that this work is simultaneously improving the ways that Latinxs are inserted into the narrative of America as a nation.  

Thank you for viewing our final project!    -Maggie, Renee & Lourlin