Writing Literature Reviews

How is writing a literature review similar or different to other things you have written? What do you find most challenging about it?

Writing a literature review is similar to other things that I have written in many ways. For one, the process and procedure that is involved in the writing is mostly the same as other research papers that I have done. Simply by looking for scholarly sources that can contribute to the your piece is something that is relatable and necessary for other projects. Another example of where it is similar to other papers I’ve written is the introduction and conclusion of these reviews. With all the other types of papers I’ve written, the introductions and conclusions all have the similar, if not the same, purposes.

What I find most challenging about wiring literature reviews is the amount of interaction it requires between authors. The whole point of a literature review is to make the authors talk to each other through their works, and sometimes I can find that the most difficult part.