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Reaction Paper 1 Reflection

While as the author himself, I obviously thought my essay was perfection but a deeper look into the essay proved otherwise. Throughout my paper, I had some continuity and clarification errors. For example, I would sometimes use “United States,” when I should have clearly been using “China.” In addition, I utilized some quotes that the readers might take in a different direction than the one I intended. My hyperbole use is a tad excessive and I should focus more on working to extend an argument rather than going off on a tangent on a completely different topic. On a micro level, I feel that I really need to learn to focus on my topic and work harder on expanding my arguments.

On a macro level, I feel this reflection really opened my eyes. I feel like I could use any one of my tangents as a topic for a future project, such as if the United States should back out of the Asia-Pacific region. As a writer, I feel like my strategy of counterarguments and refutes is working out the best as I can improve my argument while hurting my opponents at the same time. However, my strategy of expanding on my arguments could definitely use a tweak as it seems to be my most mistake-prone strategy. My greatest feature of my writing is my ability to structure my essay well and making sure it flows well. Through that, my essays do a great job at being accessible to readers and easy to understand. In contrast, the features I struggle with most are definitely finding enough sources to cite and providing evidence.