Weeks 7-8

A series of videos were supported and tweeted numerously by pro-life groups recently. The series of videos describing the different abortion procedures were brilliant.  The series was divided into two different sets of videos that flowed together seamlessly.  The first set described the procedures in layman terms and used a blend of presentation and graphics.  The presentation style set up the video well because it created immediate authority (the presenter was a specialist who had done thousands of abortions).  The presenter connected the video with people because there was a real person involved who spoke to the viewer (rather than some object that did not have a real person involved).  The second half of the video involved a graphics style that used narration to describe the events going on in the animated graphics.  The animation widened the audience as they were made in a way that everyone could understand, rather than a specifically educated audience.  The video is also eternal, there is no information that is time sensitive so the audience that can be reached is quite large.  The Why of the video is perhaps the most important, and this is the vision that is shared in the second set of videos in this series.  The videos are incredibly shocking.  This is because every shot tells the story (just as the book on how to make videos suggests), without any superfluous and thereby useless shots.  The narration fades away as a single graphic is used.  The imagery of this graphic is still so strong that I remember it now, it feels as if it were seared upon my brain and I know I’ll never forget it.  Each shot so expertly says what the narration is telling, yet not in a over-compensating way.  The shots simply animate the words and give the watcher the opportunity to watch them.  It is here that the “Why” of the video is fully expressed.  If this was simply a podcast or anything that did not combine the graphic with the description it would not have the same impact.  The utter horror of the animation and the narration is incredibly powerful in a way that could not be replicated with a simple article or picture.  The narrator and the graphics do not quibble with any words or nuances that would clog the information, instead it is told simply and truthfully.  The narrator’s voice is even strictly monotone– which helps with the serious nature of the topic.   The second half of the series shows off the “Why” in a clever way by directly connecting with their audience.  Each video shows an audience member watching the videos with animation and narration.  Each audience is then asked a series of questions and invited to discuss the topic, which creates a full 360 degree look at the issue.  

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