Immigration Effects from Changes in Cuisine

With the rapid development of Hispanic culture in Houston, there have been some major changes both with immigration and settling in Houston. This is the current layout of immigrants in Houston by county. Harris country is where downtown Houston is located and it is also home to by far the most immigrants.

There is a large population of immigrants in urban environments because of the promise of growth. In many of the large cities around the country, including Houston, immigrants make up some of the more dominating demographics in the city. Many Latinos in Houston have developed communities within Houston where newer immigrants will settle. One of the developments that Latinos in Houston have had with the broader city is the flea market.


These flea markets are a very diverse way for people to gather and share some of the cultural traditions that they or their families have partaken in. Many of these cultural traditions include food items that have been passed down and flea markets can be almost a bridge for these food items to become popularized. 


Events and sites such as these flea markets would not be able to develop if immigrant populations were dispersed all over the city. It is the concentration of these immigrant workers that causes them to create networks for food and culture such as these. These markets then entice more people from other countries to come and experience the diverse and welcoming environment. This creates a cycle of innovation in cuisine and other industries that has caused significant change to come to Houston.

Many of these changes have connected generations and connected very diverse cultural groups. As Katherine Shilcutt from the Houston Press stated in 2012 “the cultural significane of Tex-Mex as a vital touchstone between generations and an expression of our roots cannot be denied.” A culminating event that has come up from these diverse groups is the Houston Rodeo.


The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is the largest livestock exhibitions and rodeo in the world. It brings together all of the cultural differences of Houston in one massive three week long event. In the rodeo you can experience cuisine from all sorts of backgrounds and have foods anywhere from deep fried oreos to savory elotes.

Through events such as these it is very easy to see the influence that immigrants can have on a city. The Hispanic population in Houston has created some of the most memorable and well-known cuisine as well as some of the most popular experiences that Houston has to offer.