Art and the House Beautiful: the Victorian Poet Michael Field



How do women writers use the home as a site of political and artistic expression?



Victorian Aestheticism and Homemaking

1, Paragon: Walk through an Aesthetic House 

Domestic Scenes - Experiential Project

An assembly of Aesthetic paper dolls, clothing, furniture, and household accessories for users to create domestic scenes informed by late-Victorian design theory.

Michael Field - A Field Guide

A “field guide” that features flowers Michael Field included in and around their home, with information about the flowers’ symbolic functions and use in MF’s poetry

Carolyn Dever


Carolyn Dever is Professor of English and Creative Writing at Dartmouth. She teaches courses in Victorian and early-modernist British literature and gender studies. Carolyn’s most recent book, Chains of Love and Beauty: The Diary of Michael Field, will be out later this year, followed by a critical edition of Works and Days, the Michael Field diary.