Final Project: Women in Nicaragua

To see the final project that my team and I worked on concerning women in Nicaragua, please click the link below:

LACS 20 Women in Nicaragua_ before, during and after the revolution

Our presentation focus on the role of women before, during and after the revolution, specifically looking at how the revolution shaped their role in society today.

Before the revolution women were very limited. They were reliant on their husband who controlled the household. The law of Nicaragua also favored men in many situations and did not punish them for abuse.

During the revolution women experienced a big turning point. They held many of the same positions that men held while still having to take care of household responsibilities. Women, for the most part, were treated equally on the battle field. The revolution also gave women a platform on which they could organize themselves. It became easier for women to come together for the same cause.

After the revolution, activism for women’s right continued but not to the same scale as during the revolution. Some women who were educated were able to find high-position jobs while the majority had to return to their previous occupations, which were involved household duties like taking care of the kids.

Nicargua, however, has seen many women leaders for the country including Rosario Murillo and Violetta Chamorro. These women are representative of the advancements that women have made in Nicaragua, but there is still much work that need to be done for women living in low-income households.



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