Kegs on the Sidelines

Title: Kegs on the Sidelines

General Information about Item:

  • Oral Folklore
    • Legend
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Georgia Heath is a 20 year old female who is of Dutch and USA citizenship. However she grew up in Sevenoaks, England and as a result lived in a culture where rugby was a prominent sport. When Georgia moved to Hanover, NH, USA to attend Dartmouth College she became friends with many players on the team and as a result heard many of the tales and stories.

Contextual Data:

  • Due to the culture of the previously amateur sport of rugby (rugby only became a professional sport in 1995) players used to be a lot more relaxed and tended to take the sport less seriously. The players often tended to be sociable, outgoing people who enjoyed going for a drink with the other team after the game. However there are legends that sometimes this drink could not wait.


  • The legend has it that sometimes during the games there would be a keg of beer on the sidelines that not only the fans, but also the players would drink during the game.

Associated file (a video, audio, or image file):

Transcript of Associated File:

  • BH: “Hello this is Benji Hannam here, interviewing Georgia Heath, also known as Georgia. Georgia can you tell us a little bit about yourself.”GH:Sure, I’m a 18, premed history major, I was raised in England so I know a little bit about Rugby.BH: What interactions have you had with the club?GH: I’m best friends with one of the team members and I know a lot of the other team members, good friends with a lot of the members on the team, I said that like three times. I go to the games pretty reguarly as well because I love rugby and I miss watching it on a regular basis at home.

    BH: “Is there any folklore that you might be aware of from the club?”

    GVH: “The biggest one that I have heard of and know the most about I guess is that they used to have kegs on the sideline, not sure if that was for the player or the spectators or both. The club used to be less serious about the sport and before that they used to use it as a way to have fun but since they take it a lot more seriously now that it now longer happens.”

    BH: “Awesome, thank you very much.”

Informant’s Comments:

  • N/A

Collector’s Comments:

  • Here we can see a legend that was probably rooted in some truth such as there being kegs at the post game that has over time been exaggerated.

Collector’s Name:

Benjamin Hannam


  • Rugby
  • Beer
  • Keg
  • Amateur
  • Sport