Cat Panorama

Title: Cat Panorama

General Information:

  • Folk Art
  • 5/4/2019
  • English
  • USA, Dartmouth College

Informant Information:

  • Hailey Nicholson
  • 22 years old
  • Grew up in Greenwich, CT
  • Studies Engineering at Dartmouth College

Contextual Data

Social Context

  • Hailey says she first saw this meme on the internet. She thinks it’s hilarious because its abnormal and super absurd “Look at the little feet and tail sticking out! He looks so serious.”

Cultural Context:

  • This meme is used as an interjection since its absurdity breaks the typical seriousness of day to day life, it plays off of a theme of cats in memes in modern culture due to the large amount of people who keep cats as pets.