Author Archives: Jiuqi Chen

Purpose of scikit-learn is to split the data

General Information about Item:

  • Type of folklore: Internet folklore/meme
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Informant: Jiuqi Chen
  • Source: “AI Memes for Artificially Intelligent Teens” Twitter page
  • Date collected: April 11th, 2020


Informant Data:

  • Jiuqi Chen was born in Beijing, China, on November 19th, 1999. She went to the U.S. to study at Dartmouth College. She had a strong interest in Mathematics and computer science. During her time at Dartmouth, she took several computer science courses, including CS 74, from which she learned basic concepts and models in the area of machine learning and statistical analysis.


Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: It is common for scenes in the cartoon Rick and Morty to be adapted into a meme. This meme origin from Season 1 Episode 9, where Rick, the old man, made the robot. The robot asked intelligently ‘what is my purpose’, and when Rick told the robot its purpose is to ‘pass the butter’, the robot sighed ‘Oh my god’ in upset. Scikit-learn (formerly scikits.learn and also known as sklearn) is a free software machine learning library for the Python programming language. It features various classification, regression, and clustering algorithms that are essential in machine learning. Splitting the data is the most basic step in machine learning models.
  • Social Context: train_test_split is the most commonly used function in the sklearn library, while Scikit-learn featured various complicated models. This meme is making fun of this fact, feeling unworthy that only the most basic function in such a powerful library is used.



Collector’s Name: Jiuqi Chen


  • Internet folklore
  • Meme
  • Scikit-learn


AI can’t classify a cat

General Information about Item:

  • Type of folklore: Internet folklore/meme
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Informant: Jiuqi Chen
  • Source: “Coding Memes” Facebook Account
  • Date collected: April 11th, 2020


Informant Data:

  • Jiuqi Chen was born in Beijing, China, on November 19th, 1999. She went to the U.S. to study at Dartmouth College. She had a strong interest in Mathematics and computer science. During her time at Dartmouth, she took several computer science courses, including CS 74, from which she learned basic concepts and models in the area of machine learning and statistical analysis.


Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: The meme of women and cat is a classic form of a meme, where the left-hand side woman is yelling at the cat on the right, and the cat appears to be not bothered at all by the woman. In many science fiction such as Matrix, artificial intelligence (AI) is imagined to be omnipotent, often with malicious intent towards humans. Neural networks are a set of algorithms that are widely used in contemporary machine learning, modeled loosely after the human brain, aiming at recognizing patterns.
  • Social Context: Neural network is a very commonly used model when developing AI and classification problem is probably the most fundamental problem in the application of machine learning. This meme is poking fun at the reality that sometimes even a very well-developed machine learning model can’t do something as basic as identifying a cat with 100% accuracy, teasing the unrealistic worries from people who don’t know about the current state of AI development.




Collector’s Name: Jiuqi Chen


  • Internet folklore
  • Meme
  • Artificial Intelligence