Hang an upturned horseshoe over your doorway to bring good luck

Southern Superstition

“Hang an upturned horseshoe over your doorway to bring good luck”

Ramsey Walker

Fredonia, KY

May 20, 2020



Informant Data:

Ramsey Walker is my brother. He was born in Fredonia, Kentucky in 1990. He was raised in a family of small farmers who had been farming the land for generations. He grew up assisting in the work on the farm and was surrounded by rural family members and friends for the majority of his formative years.


Contextual Data:

I collected this folklore by asking Ramsey for examples of southern superstitions he could remember from our family. He has heard this piece of folklore from his mother and grandmother. He also explained after the fact that he planned to put an upturned horseshoe above the doorway of his own home.



Hang an upturned horseshoe over your doorway to bring good luck.



I heard from my grandmother that a horseshoe over the doorway will bring you good luck but only if you keep the horseshoe rightside up because otherwise the luck will just run out the end. No idea why but it’s good luck so.



Jack Walker

314 JD Bugg rd

Fredonia, KY 42411

RUSS 13 20S

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